Delight in the beauty of our Pink Floral Basket, a charming arrangement bursting with pink lilies, pink roses, white roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, and lush greenery nestled in a rustic wicker basket. This exquisite ensemble showcases a harmonious blend of soft pastel hues, creating a soothing and romantic ambiance. Each flower is carefully selected for its delicate petals and graceful charm, making it an ideal gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or to brighten someone's day. The wicker basket adds a rustic touch, enhancing the natural beauty of the arrangement. Whether displayed in a home or office, this floral masterpiece brings warmth and joy to any space. Expertly arranged and delivered fresh, the Pastel Pink Floral Basket is a heartfelt gesture that conveys your affection and admiration with elegance and grace.
This arrangement consists of :
•Pink Lilies
•Pink Roses
•White Roses
•Pink Spray Roses
•Light Pink Alstroemeria
•Greeneries in a Wicker Basket