Experience the beauty of our elegant Pink Floral Extravaganza, a lavish bouquet featuring a stunning array of 20 branches of spray pink roses, 20 delicate pink tulips, and 20 classic pink roses. Enhanced with abundant greens, decorative elements, and netting, this arrangement exudes grace and sophistication. The spray pink roses add a whimsical touch with their multiple blooms per stem, while the pink tulips bring a sense of freshness and charm. The classic pink roses offer timeless elegance and beauty, complemented perfectly by the lush greens and intricate decorations. Ideal for making a statement on special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays, this bouquet is a symbol of admiration and affection. Its vibrant hues and varied textures create a visually captivating display that is sure to brighten any room and bring joy to those who receive it.
This Bouquet consists of:
•20 Branches of Spray Pink Roses
•20 Pink Tulips
•20 Pink Roses
•Lots of Greens, Decoration and Netting