Celebrate elegance with our Pink and Green Floral Ensemble, a sophisticated bouquet featuring a blend of deep pink roses, soft pink hydrangea, vibrant green hydrangea, delicate pink tulips, green cymbidium orchids, and green delistar. Accented with lush foliage and massangeana leaves, this arrangement is beautifully showcased in a sleek cylinder vase, enhancing its modern and stylish appeal. The deep pink roses add a touch of romance and passion, while the pink hydrangea and tulips bring a soft and feminine charm. The green hydrangea and cymbidium orchids provide a refreshing contrast, adding depth and sophistication to the bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries or as a centerpiece for special events, this floral ensemble captures the essence of beauty and sophistication. It's a thoughtful gift that will brighten any space with its vibrant colors and exquisite floral design.
This bouquet consists of:
•Deep Pink Roses
•Pink Hydrangea
•Green Hydrangea
•Pink Tulips
•Green Cymbidium
•Green Delistar
•Foilage and Massangeana Leaves
•A Cylinder Vase